Making a great looking responsive website is only half the battle. You will need to make the website work hard day and night to bring in the revenue to pay for itself. With a responsive WordPress website the inbuilt Content Management system is a very good place to start.
Google Analytics
Simple changes could make all the SEO difference
Simple changes to the content of your site could make all the SEO differences. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is not a simple click, and then you’re done process. Google often updates its algorithm to ensure that users are getting the best search engine results. Your competitors are likely making changes to their site to position higher than you.
Google’s mobile-friendly algorithm rewards responsive sites
Fortunately the nice folks at Google have provided you with a simple way to mobile friendly test your website. Below is the mobile friendly test page and what it looks like, its very easy to use. By adding your domain you can receive instant feedback on how Google views your websites.